I rented the Captain’s House in Bath, Maine for the dates of October 8 through the October15. We vacated the Captain’s House on October 9 — a day and a half after arrival.
Should have left upon arrival when the host asked if his email had been read. “Pls try NOT to run certain electrical appliances, ie microwave, hairdryer or electrical heater AT THE SAME TIME as that might break the circuit.”
The email also said, “The week looks mild, there’re two portable heaters, and plenty of blankets, however. I don’t normally use central heat this time of year. Is that all right?”
Guess what? We blew an electrical fuse while running one portable heater and the lights. We were told there was a second portable heater, which we did NOT find. Imagine two portable heaters running at same time. Another fuse could have blown and caused a fire while we were sleeping.
There were multiple extension cords running throughout the rental. Wall plugs were hard to find.
In a nutshell, our host was rude, obnoxious and very condescending; the rental was cold; and rental had electrical issues. We felt unsafe.
I and friend will not stay there again.