Girls trip to Charleston!! Received a call at 4:15pm from YOURPAD telling me they we are unable to check in TODAY due to the previous guests smoking in the unit! We were given 2 options: Find a new place to stay OR move to an “UPGRADED” unit (same owner) free of charge. We chose the upgrade- BIG MISTAKE!!
It was a 2 Bed, 1 bath. The 2nd bedroom was unusable, located at the top of a spiral staircase and 86 degrees! Due to the situation, our guest had to re-locate to a local friend’s house for the evening. The unit was dark, dingy and had broken down cars and construction vehicles surrounding it. Definitely not comparable to the original by any means!
We had to quickly re-route our luggage delivery, cancel dinner reservations and order an Uber for our friend, since we were short a bedroom and bathroom! What a disaster!
We received a message the next morning that our original unit was smoke-free and able to use! We re-packed and waited to be assisted in moving our belongings AGAIN!
I messaged yourpad over and over requesting a refund for our first day. They always respond, “waiting to hear back from the owner”. We have yet to receive compensation for the 1st day! Not surprised!!
How can you make a guest pay for a rental, make them deal with complete chaos and offer an upgrade when in reality it doesn’t even compare to the original accommodations? I’m very disappointed in the situation and 100% would NEVER rent from the company again!