This condo obviously had to be redone after the hurricane but it was done as cheaply as possible. There are many things that keep it from being functional for guests, such as no closet in the Oceanside bedroom. The access to electrical outlets for charging your devices are hidden behind nightstands down low, very old style. I would have thought when the rooms were redone that modern amenities would have been considered, but not in this suite. Two of the ceiling fans don't work, and one of them in a bedroom has problems where the overhead light comes on in the middle of the night, waking you up. The furniture is old, the mattresses are old, and there are so many decorative items on every single surface and walls that there is nowhere to put your suitcase or toiletries. I love Gulf Shores and have been going here for decades. Just choose another suite besides this one and you'll be thrilled. It's a fabulous property.