Wonderfully clean, amazing views, great location.
We only had one problem. Parking. We had two cars, but were allotted three spots. Unfortunately, because we had extended family, most of us came down in one large SUV (lincoln aviator). My brother and his wife flew in and had rented a truck, not realizing how big it would be (New Yorkers!-Dodge Ram)
The spots in the back do not have a enough room to safely navigate in and out of spots, especially if full. We had issues even though we should have had an extra spot. The spots in front are fine, but there are only four and sometimes compact cars would take them. The cleaners and other staff also frequently take the front spots. We had a couple times we had to kill time to park until a bunch a people checked out midweek.
At a minimum, a sign encouraging smaller vehicles to take the spots behind the rental could help.
If you book be aware that larger/longer vehicles might be a pain.