You ever go somewhere and find that it exceeds your every expectation? This vacation did, from minute one. First, Sharifa makes the whole thing easy, from the minute you book, and she responded to every silly question ("Sharifa! Help! We're locked out of the gate that allows us access to the parking lot!") within seconds. Not even minutes...seconds.
Then there is the location. This condo is sitting ON the ocean, and the sound of waves crashing on the shore lulled me to sleep each night. Is there a better way to fall asleep? Inside, you have everything you need, right where you think it should be. Sharifa has gone the extra mile, right down to the cute little bags with scuba gear in them that we used every day down at Cane Bay.
Oh, and Cane Bay. You can walk three-four minutes from the door of this condo and be on the most beautiful stretch of beach I have ever seen. Turn around and there is The Landing, a great seafood joint with a walkout bar.
The first day of our trip, I walked into the ocean, put on my mask and snorkel, and within a minute, saw a sea turtle, just hanging out. I saw rays, barracuda, more sea turtles, tons and tons of fish...
We stayed on the beach until dusk. It was heavenly.
The vibe on the north shore is surfer/hippy, and it fit the mood. No one is in a hurry, everyone is so friendly. We rarely left the stretch between the condo and The Landing. When I come back -- and I will -- I'll just stay there the whole time. It's just so serene and gorgeous.