1. It was filthy. While the linens had been changed, that was about the only thing that had been cleaned. KITCHEN: Counters were covered in food and crumbs, there were crusty food smears on both the upper and lower cabinets, and the Keurig had coffee stains and grinds all over it. BATHROOMS: The toilet in the bedroom had fecal matter stains throughout the bowl, there was urine all over the seat of the other toilet, and the shower had multiple hairs in the tub.
2. The blinds were broken. The vertical blinds in the bedroom were broken and missing two slats. Since the bedroom faces the corridor, anyone could walk by and look in. A man walked by and peered in our window, terrifying us. We ended up having to hang a towel over the window.
3. There was mold growing on both AC units. While they offered to clean it, this amount of mold would require mold remediation, not just a simple wipe-down.
4. The gate to leave the parking lot was broken. The only way to leave was to have someone exit the car and enter the code at the entrance gate.