So - I'll bet from the photos supplied here by the management company, you think you'll be getting a condo that's facing the beach with a private deck? Think again. As far as I can tell, here's what happens. The condo (Paradise Island Beach Club) has "owners" that reserve their favorite rooms a year in advance. Any vacancies that are left over are rented out by a subcontractor (Red Awning). When we checked in, we were sent to a room on the opposite side of the property from the beach with a shared deck. I returned to the front desk to inform them that we were checked in the wrong room. The desk clerk's answer was "Ah - you must have booked with Red Awning. They always show an ocean front room online, but they really shouldn't do that - those rooms have all been booked for a year. You're the second one to complain this week." Then, when you try to contact the local host, there is no answer or return call or email. Ever. When you try to contact Red Awning directly, you get a chatbot or someone in India following a script who tells you to contact the local host. Checkmate. What are you going to do - leave in a huff? You've already paid for a room. So, you're stuck in a rental that doesn't match the photos, and there is literally nothing you can do about it. Except write a review like this one to let future customers know what they're getting themselves into.