Upon Arrival; no water in the guest house, heater hanging off the wall and no power. The back deck buckled under our feet and the exterior doors would not open without fidgeting the handle and pulling up or down on it. We opened the hot tub lid, and it was barely full and smelled like it hadn't been cleaned. I contacted the homeowner, and he offered a 100 refund. There was nothing available in the area and we drove 3.5 hours. We called back, he offered "200 refund and a 5 star review," I agreed at first and was concerned with his comment - were all reviews because a refund was given? Then it seemingly got worse. Broken shelves in the refrigerator, filthy bathrooms that had hair & dirt in the bottom, makeshift couch that looked like 2 corners to a sectional couch pushed together, wires hanging from the fireplace, dirty pots and pans, mold bread in the cabinet. Smoke detectors with no batteries and hanging off the wall, broken fire pit chairs, cobwebs everywhere, random holes in the halls and stains on the wall in the bathrooms and bedrooms. The best part of the house was the deck to the frozen lake and the location to town. I was shocked over the 5-star comment that came with my refund of only 200. He assured me that his cleaners always went in depth - that is not the case. Renters, beware of the condition of the home - never had an issue with VRBO before now.