Vrbo Seattle
Arrived to Seattle late, took Uber to house. Get out of car, strange man standing on sidewalk in front of house we were going to. We asked him to go ahead and continue down sidewalk. We open the front gate to go in, and laying on the ground by the front steps was a man, passed out? Unconscious? He didn’t move. I didn’t see him or I would’ve left immediately. Found room #3 and assumed #4 would be next to it. No, apparently it was a laundry room. The side light came on but it was still very dark. Still trying to find #4. The strange man we crossed paths with out front, now came out from the back yard, past us, and back out to the front. By now I’ve had enough. I contacted the building manager about the location of unit #4, he tells me it’s all the way out back and I should see it, there is a motion sensitive light. Uh, nope. No light at all. Fortunately for us, my husband brought a small flashlight along and was able to reach over the fence and unlock the gate. We were then able to use the code to enter the property. Getting inside to a very cold unit. No instructions to use heater. Have to point remote up high to get it to start. Slept in coats because of the temperature. Woke up very early, still cold and decided we had enough. We were scheduled to stay another night and with not feeling safe at all, checked out. Moved to a downtown hotel.
Explain to me where the location is listed?