Spruce Island - eine private Insel für große oder kleine Versammlungen

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Fotogalerie von Spruce Island - eine private Insel für große oder kleine Versammlungen

Am Strand, Liegestühle, Strandtücher
Ansicht von oben
Am Strand, Liegestühle, Strandtücher


10 von 10.

Beliebte Annehmlichkeiten

  • Haustiere erlaubt
  • Parkplätze verfügbar
  • Küche
  • Kostenloses WLAN

Lerne die Gegend kennen

Stonington, ME
  • Acadia-Nationalpark
  • Stonington Opera House
    ‪4 Autominuten‬
  • Haystack Mountain School of Crafts
    ‪26 Autominuten‬
  • Rockland, Maine (RKD-Knox County Regional)
    ‪139 Autominuten‬


Ähnliche Unterkünfte

Mehr zu dieser Unterkunft

Spruce Island - eine private Insel für große oder kleine Versammlungen

Spruce Island ist eine kleine, 80 Hektar große Privatinsel vor Deer Isle / Stonington, Maine. Ein Luftbildvideo von Spruce Island und ein Video von einem traditionellen Hummerauflauf auf Spruce Island finden Sie auf dieser Seite.

Das Steinhaus ist das einzige Haus auf Spruce Island. Es kann im Sommer wochenweise gemietet werden. In der Nebensaison kann es für kürzere Zeiträume gemietet werden. Mehr als 18 Personen können nach vorheriger Absprache untergebracht werden.

Auf und um Spruce Island gibt es viele Orte zu entdecken und Dinge zu unternehmen. Kajaks und Ruderboote sind vorhanden. Außenborder-Motorboote können gemietet werden. Verkleide dich als Pirat und unterhalte deine Kinder (Piratenkleid wird gestellt); Lagerfeuer am Ufer genießen; Golfbälle in den Ozean treiben und bei Ebbe einsammeln; Schwimmen Sie in einem Süßwasser-Steinbruch auf der nahe gelegenen grünen Insel, die dem Maine Coast Heritage Trust gehört. Spielen Sie Hufeisen, erobern Sie die Flagge, Badminton und Pingpong. Chartern Sie unsere amphibischen Sealegs, um Sie zum Inselhüpfen zu bringen. Blicken Sie in den Himmel und sehen Sie ein Universum von Sternen, das Sie aufgrund der Lichtverschmutzung nicht anderswo sehen können. Sehen Sie Weißkopfseeadler, Fischadler und viele andere Seevögel. Erleben Sie das Wunder, über das Robert McCloskey im Kinderbuch "Time of Wonder" schrieb.

Das Haus besteht aus zwei separaten Gebäuden. Das Haupthaus ist ein großer offener Raum mit Kathedralendecken, einem riesigen Kamin und einer großen, gut ausgestatteten Küche. Es gibt ein Schlafzimmer im Maine House. Eine Schaukel hängt an den Balken im Haupthaus und ein „Krähennest“ auf dem Dach bietet einen spektakulären Blick auf die umliegenden Inseln. An regnerischen Tagen und in der Nacht können Sie Filme auf dem großen Bildschirm ansehen und im Haupthaus Surround-Musik hören.

Das Gästehaus verfügt über sechs Schlafzimmer, jedes mit eigenem Bad. Die Stromversorgung erfolgt durch Wind und Sonne, unterstützt durch Notstromaggregate. Die Wasserversorgung erfolgt über Brunnen und eine große Regenwasserzisterne.

Diese Eigenschaft ist komplett "off the Grid", aber WiFi ist über HughesNet-Satellitenverbindung verfügbar und Handy-Service ist verfügbar.

Kajaks und andere kleine Boote sind enthalten. Ein kleines 10-PS-, 13-Zoll-Schlauchboot mit Außenborder kann für 550 USD / Woche gemietet werden. Ein größeres 18-Fuß-Außenborder-Motorboot kann für 750 USD pro Woche gemietet werden.

Spruce Island liegt in der Stadt Stonington, Maine, die berühmt ist für frischen Hummer aus Maine und für den rosafarbenen Granit aus Maine, der seit mehr als hundert Jahren aus den Steinbrüchen stammt. Fichte wurde Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts abgebaut und im Einklang mit dieser Geschichte beschlossen die Eigentümer, diese Häuser ausschließlich aus großen Granitblöcken zu bauen.

Transport zur Insel: Der Transport zur und von der Insel ist am ersten und letzten Tag kostenlos, bis zu drei Hin- und Rückfahrten an jedem dieser Tage in einem amphibischen Sealegs oder zwei Hin- und Rückfahrten in einem Munson-Landungsboot. Für den Transport unter der Woche gibt es eine Reihe von Optionen. Old Quarry Ocean Adventures fährt mit einem 34-Fuß-Boot von Stonington aus. Ein kleines Außenborder-Motorboot, das für den Hin- und Rückweg nach Stonington geeignet ist, kann gemietet werden. Steve Johnson betreibt einen Charterdienst namens Bert & I Charters. Die Isle au Haut Ferry bietet auch private Fährverbindungen von und nach Stonington zu den umliegenden Inseln an. Eine andere Möglichkeit ist, unser Boot mit amphibischen Seeleuten oder das Munson-Landungsboot mit einem Kapitän zu mieten. Die Kosten betragen 125 USD / Stunde. Der Vorteil der Sealegs ist, dass sie als Amphibienfahrzeug aus dem Wasser herausfahren und sich wie ein Kamel auf den Boden setzen können, um leicht und sicher be- und entladen zu können. Dies ist besonders schön, um die vielen unbewohnten Inseln in der Umgebung zu erkunden. Für das Hochseefischen bietet sich der Eggemoggin Guide Service an.

Inselleben: Auf und um Spruce Island gibt es viele lustige Dinge zu tun. Einige Beispiele sind: Intra-Island oder sogar Inter-Island Capture-the-Flag; Lagerfeuer am Strand; Erkundung der vielen anderen kleinen Inseln in der Umgebung; Das Schlafen in einem Zelt in Ufernähe ist ein wunderbares Erlebnis für Kinder und Erwachsene. Sie können am Lagerfeuer sitzen und in den Himmel blicken und sich fragen, wie es dazu gekommen ist. Sie können sogar einen Blick auf Satelliten erhaschen, die sich über den Himmel bewegen, bevor Sie sich in ein gemütliches Zelt rollen und die sanften Wellen- und Windgeräusche Sie in den Schlaf wiegen lassen.

Hunde sind mit Erlaubnis erlaubt. Bitte erkundigen Sie sich. Es gibt eine Gebühr von 150 US-Dollar. Es gibt keine Zecken auf der Insel und wir versuchen es so zu halten. Deshalb müssen Hunde gegen Zecken behandelt werden, um zu verhindern, dass sie Zecken auf die Insel tragen.

Für die Saison 2018 bieten wir eine Vollservice-Inselurlaubsoption für Familien an, die einen sorgenfreien Inselurlaub wünschen, bei dem alles für sie vorbereitet ist, einschließlich aller Mahlzeiten und unbegrenztem Bootstransport mit Kapitän / Guide, um die Gegend zu erkunden Dazu gehören Ausflüge zu den umliegenden Inseln sowie zum Acadia-Nationalpark und zum Bar Harbor. Diese Full-Service-Option ermöglicht es den Gästen, den Stress der Urlaubsplanung zu vermeiden, sich im Urlaub voll und ganz zu amüsieren und sich nicht um die Endreinigung zu kümmern. Diese Option ist zwar nicht billig, ermöglicht es den Gästen jedoch, sich während ihres Urlaubs am meisten zu amüsieren. Bitte erkundigen Sie sich, ob Sie mehr über diese Option erfahren möchten.
Diese Lodge ermöglicht es dir, Blue Heron Gallery innerhalb weniger Gehminuten zu erreichen.
  • Kostenloses WLAN
  • Gerade mal eine 4-minütige Fahrt von Blue Heron Gallery und einige Minuten von Stonington Opera House entfernt
Diese Lodge bietet seinen Gästen Grillmöglichkeiten und einen Garten. Die Rezeption ist rund um die Uhr geöffnet.

Diese Lodge in Stonington ist eine Nichtraucher-Unterkunft.


Colie O'Donnell



Ausstattung der Unterkunft


  • In allen Zimmern verfügbar: kostenloses WLAN
  • In einigen öffentlichen Bereichen verfügbar: WLAN


  • Boot
  • Bücher
  • Golf
  • Kajak
  • Musikbibliothek
  • Spiele
  • Stereoanlage
  • Tischtennis
  • Videothek


  • Am Strand gelegen
  • Direkt am Wasser gelegen
  • Feuerstelle
  • Garten
  • Grill
  • Liegestühle
  • Möbel für den Aussenbereich
  • Strandtücher



  • Bettwäsche wird bereitgestellt


  • 7.5 eigene Badezimmer
  • Badewanne oder Dusche
  • Handtücher werden bereitgestellt
  • Seife
  • Toilettenpapier


  • DVD-Player
  • Kabel-/Satellitensender

Speisen und Getränke

  • Eiswürfelbereiter
  • Geschirrspüler
  • Herdplatte
  • Hummer-/Krabbenkochtopf
  • Kaffeemühle
  • Kochgeschirr, Geschirr und Besteck
  • Küche
  • Küchenrolle
  • Kühlschrank
  • Mikrowelle
  • Mixer
  • Ofen
  • Toaster
  • Wasserkocher
  • Wasserkocher für Kaffee/Tee

Weitere Annehmlichkeiten/Services

  • Kamin
  • Telefon
  • Wäschetrockner
  • Wohnzimmer



Mindestalter für den Check-in: 30 Jahre

Hinweise zum Check-in

Du erhältst vom Gastgeber eine E-Mail mit Angaben zu Check-in und Check-out.


  • Haustiere sind willkommen
  • Nur Hunde sind erlaubt
  • Maximal 6 Haustier(e)
  • Es gelten weitere Beschränkungen
  • Setze dich für weitere Informationen über die auf der Buchungsbestätigung angegebenen Kontaktdaten mit der Unterkunft in Verbindung.
  • Assistenztiere sind von Gebühren ausgenommen.
  • Hinweis vom Gastgeber: Dogs only. $200 fee. Some dogs not allowed.

Kinder und Zustellbetten

  • Kinder sind herzlich willkommen.

Wichtige Informationen


Diese Unterkunft wird von einem privaten Gastgeber verwaltet (eine Partei, die nicht im Rahmen ihrer gewerblichen, geschäftlichen oder beruflichen Tätigkeit handelt). Das EU-Verbraucherrecht, einschließlich Widerrufsrecht, gilt nicht für deine Buchung, sie wird jedoch von den vom privaten Gastgeber festgelegten Stornierungsbedingungen abgedeckt.
Für zusätzliche Personen fallen möglicherweise Gebühren an, die abhängig von den Bestimmungen der Unterkunft variieren können.
Beim Check-in werden ggf. ein Lichtbildausweis und eine Kreditkarte, Debitkarte oder Kaution in bar für unvorhergesehene Aufwendungen verlangt.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit beim Check-in wird versucht, Sonderwünschen entgegenzukommen, sie können jedoch nicht garantiert werden. Eventuell fallen zusätzliche Gebühren an.
Partys und Veranstaltungen (einschließlich Familienfeiern, Geburtstagsfeiern und Hochzeiten) sind auf dem Unterkunftsgelände gestattet; maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 18
Hinweis vom Gastgeber: Renter must discuss with Owner prior to booking.
Diese Unterkunft ist mit Sicherheitseinrichtungen wie einem Kohlenmonoxidmelder, einem Feuerlöscher, einem Rauchmelder, einem Erste-Hilfe-Kasten, and einem Riegelschloss ausgestattet
Diese Unterkunft wird von unserem Partner FeWo-direkt/Vrbo verwaltet. Du erhältst eine E-Mail von FeWo-direkt/Vrbo mit einem Link zu deinem Kundenkonto, in dem du deine Buchung ändern oder stornieren kannst.
Du erhältst vom Gastgeber eine E-Mail mit Hinweisen zur An- und Abreise. Zudem erhältst du eine E-Mail von FeWo-direkt/Vrbo mit einem Link zu deinem Kundenkonto, in dem du deine Buchung verwalten kannst.

Was wir noch erwähnen sollten

  • Um Vereinbarungen für dein Haustier zu treffen, kontaktiere bitte direkt die Unterkunft. Die Kontaktdaten findest du auf deiner Buchungsbestätigung.

Bewertungen von Spruce Island, a private island, perfect for gatherings large and small.




43 von insgesamt 43 Gästebewertungen haben eine Bewertung von 10 - Hervorragend
0 von insgesamt 43 Gästebewertungen haben eine Bewertung von 8 - Gut
0 von insgesamt 43 Gästebewertungen haben eine Bewertung von 6 - Okay
0 von insgesamt 43 Gästebewertungen haben eine Bewertung von 4 - Schlecht
0 von insgesamt 43 Gästebewertungen haben eine Bewertung von 2 - Ungenügend




10/10 – Hervorragend

David D.

Gut: Sauberkeit
Idyllic Getaway
Spruce Island is an idyllic place and our host, Colie, a wizard. The magic began when Colie picked us up In the SeaLegs and transported us to the granite Main house. We opted for the full package, including having Colie as our Captain for the week. Days were spent exploring Spruce and nearby Buckle Island; wading through tidal pools; going fishing for mackerel; hiking the trails and discovering the quarries at nearby Green and Russ Islands; biking at Isle au Haut; and boating to Bar Harbor in incredible weather. In addition, Colie gave us lessons in using the boats. He taught 4 of us to sail. Colie was a wonderful teacher: patient, kind, and did not hover over us as we were learning. He stayed a respectable distance behind, allowing us to figure things out as we went, but close enough that he could lend a helping hand when needed. The kids had a wonderful time playing on the beaches, dressing in pirate regalia, and roasting marshmallows around the campfire. The murmur of waves lapping against crushed shells amidst the giggles of children will not soon be forgotten. It was the kind of vacation we hope our grandchildren will tell their grandchildren about someday.
Aufenthalt von 7 Nächten im Juli 2024

10/10 – Hervorragend

tom l.

Gut: Sauberkeit
Perfect - almost!
After our first day, the twelve of us decided to list anything we thought might be improved. By the time of our leaving we had identified four small brackets on the swing as candidates "for improvement". Absolutely everything else, including Colie, could not have been changed for the better.
Aufenthalt von 7 Nächten im Juni 2023

10/10 – Hervorragend

Jamie S.

Gut: Sauberkeit
Island Paradise
From the moment we stepped off the Sealeg (which in itself was a cool experience to go from land to water to land) we knew that we were in a special place. The ride from Stonington to Spruce Island is about 20 minutes and you get a chance to see some pretty scenery along the way. At the island we got a short ride from the landing to the house where 14 of us congregated in celebration of a 60th birthday. 14 adults is not a small crowd and yet the houses and the island make it really easy to have group time or quiet time. The rooms in the guest house are spacious (with private bathrooms) and most have views of the water. The bedroom in the main house is a bit smaller than the rest. We took advantage of campfires on the beach, we swam, we played games, we kayaked, we ate well, and we explored the island. The geography of the area is a bit different than other parts of Maine. Spruce Island is a beautiful island with large smooth granite surfaces and large boulders. You can walk around the island in just a couple of hours and when the tide is low you can walk across the flat to Buckle Island, an adjacent island. If you choose not to walk around the island you can simply chill on the deck or in the living room of the main house. We never turned on the projector to watch a movie, but there is a large screen that is available to those who want to hang out and enjoy a movie on a rainy day. Honestly, this place is fantastic. You have the entire island to yourself. Food available on the island is what you bring. Just make sure you don't forget the beer on your first day!
Aufenthalt von 3 Nächten im September 2022

10/10 – Hervorragend

Chad B.

Gut: Sauberkeit
Milton was wrong...
Paradise has not been lost, we found it right here! An incredible experience marred only by the fact that we had to leave after a week. Colie is an incredible host, kind and anticipatory of the needs of his guests with a deep love and understanding of the island that shows in the care he takes of it. Not only do I intend to return for another vacation one day, I intend to tell everyone I know that they should be considering Spruce Island for their vacations as well.
Aufenthalt von 7 Nächten im Juli 2022

10/10 – Hervorragend

Taylor B.

Gut: Sauberkeit
Amazing Experience
Truly an amazing experience. Colie, the owner, has thought of everything, and, over the years, has created (and perfected) a unique vacation experience for groups of all sizes. During our week-long island get-away, we could not have asked for a more thoughtful host. For those wanting to experience Maine like never before, we highly recommend this property. Five stars!
Aufenthalt von 7 Nächten im Juni 2022

10/10 – Hervorragend

Katie B.

Gut: Sauberkeit
If anything, the pictures don't even convey how beautiful Spruce Island is. Walking up the wide path from the beach, through the mossy woods fringed with blackberries and raspberries, to the huge stone house is always such a delight. This was our third year and as usual we spent part of our time just wondering how Colie gets so much comfort and elegance on this off the grid island in the sea. Spruce Island is not like any other holiday we have had. We kayaked, swam around the smaller island, hiked, and had delicious dinners (great kitchen), and sing-a-longs around the campfire. We go as a group of about sixteen-- three sets of parents and a bunch of young adult cousins and the occasional significant other. All the bedrooms are equally lovely and comfortable. The owner is incredibly helpful and responsive, goes way above and beyond.
Aufenthalt von 7 Nächten im August 2021

10/10 – Hervorragend

Ron W., Gastonia, NC

Gut: Sauberkeit
Off The Grid but still close to Luxury
We visited this property 3 years ago and the only thing missing was we did not bring enough people to enjoy this amazing venue! We fixed that this year and it was as good or better than 3 years ago and we are looking forward to visiting again in a few years. My personal favorite was taking a boat into Stonington daily to get ice cream with the kids and sitting around the campfire at night and the morning. Ron W
Aufenthalt von 14 Nächten im Juli 2021

10/10 – Hervorragend

Gary C.

Gut: Sauberkeit
Family Trip to Spruce Island
Fantastic trip, beautiful location. Great host.
Aufenthalt von 7 Nächten im Juli 2021

10/10 – Hervorragend

Michael C.

Gut: Sauberkeit
Amazing Experience!
Spruce Island is beautiful. This vacation/reunion exceeded our expectations. It was just what my small Family and I were looking for. We loved the peace and quiet, as well as the granite houses and their views of Spruce Island and beyond from every angle. Colie communicated with us every step of the way and ensured that any question we had was promptly answered. Will be back. Highly recommended. Thank you Colie! Mike
Aufenthalt von 7 Nächten im Juni 2021

10/10 – Hervorragend

Gretchen H.

Gut: Sauberkeit
Third stay just as great!
Best VRBO we've ever stayed in! Everything is well thought out and Colie and Jeff could not be more helpful. Our family visited in 2014 and 2015 and were so excited to come back in 2020 on a whim as there were some cancellations due to Covid. It's just as great as we remembered. The kids were a little older now and we really enjoyed taking the kayaks out almost every day. Especially enjoyed kayaking amongst the seals over on Gunner's Rock. Most mornings we spent down towards Buckle for the little ones to play in the water. It's a little slice of heaven!
Aufenthalt von 7 Nächten im Juli 2020

10/10 – Hervorragend

Pat M.

Gut: Sauberkeit
Wow! Great host and Great property!!
Spruce Island is a special place and perfect for a family vacation! I would compare the beauty to Alaska. The granite houses are amazing and a perfect fit on the top of the mountain. We loved picking fresh rasberries every day and the tons of hiking available on the island. We grilled out along the shore and enjoyed the many indoor and outdoor games we played. It was also a blast to take the boat back into Stonington for ice cream a few times. Spruce Island is only about 1.5 hours from Acadia National Park and worth the trip!!

10/10 – Hervorragend

Laura R., New Jersey

Gut: Sauberkeit
Our 2nd trip to Island- still amazing 8 years later
We had 21 family amd friends join us for our 2nd trip. We stayed there June 2012 and this trip July 2020. Colie and Jeff are great amd considerate to plan a trip. Colie has always put the highest quality of materials, decor, and conveniences on this island. His detail guest book details make it straight forward. We walked around the entire island and at low tide over to buckle Island to explore another island. We had 2 adults, cot for our granddaughter 4 years old and grandson 10 months old in the main house. It was tight but worked excellent for them asnit was convenience to hear baby monitor at night amd still visit with family at bon fire outside main house. Early morning were convenient for them. LOVE the coffee makers for large group. We watched movies in the 1 day it rained. The camping platform was excellent for camping and camping in beach was even better! Colie has cleared paths and well marked trails. Loved barbeque grills to find our own clan and then we cooked them on the island grill. Definable rent then18ft inflatable boat. Awesome for fishing. He has plenty of stuff to do there kakyas, row boat, footballs, soccer ball, badminton, ping pong table, 4 fishing poles. Bring your kites. I love photography so plenty to take pictures: eagles, osprey, hawks, voles, mackerel fish, dolphins amd seals rare sighting and we saw once! outdoor lobster shake to cook and excellent composite food system. Tons of cooking pots, pans. and utensils. Bring your napkins amd paper plates for easy clean up. He has plenty of plates, silverware and bowls. Stove is awesome! I loved the bunk house bedrooms each with their own very nice bathrooms. The shower pressure Inwas impressed by consider its am island. Colie thought of everything! He always asks what se is needed. WIFI was best by the swings between bunkhouse and main house. We were not there for wifi but it works. Swing inside main house is so much fun. Bring the strongest deet you can find for mosquitoes. I normally don't do deet. On this trip you needed to at night or make sure you cover up - jeans not legging! The large picnic tables in side are great for large groups. We brought large coolers with lots of ice and put them next to main house outside. Use ice packs you can refreeze vs bags of ice. This was after 3 days you can re freeze. Each family had a night to make dinner for all 21 people. We all brought our own snacks, drinks, breakfast, lunch and alchol. YOU WILL LOVE IT!!!
Aufenthalt von 7 Nächten im Juli 2020

10/10 – Hervorragend

Greg P.

Gut: Sauberkeit
World Class setting
Do yourself a lifetime favor and treat yourself to a stay at Spruce Island if you get the chance. It is simply a spectactular private island, the likes of which one would rarely get the chance to rent in Maine or anywhere else for that matter. I’ll start with the panoramic views from the main house which is perched on top of a hill overlooking the Merchant Row archipelago to the south. The fresh smell of spruce pervades the salt air. The two beaches are stunning, as if you saw them on a postcard of Maine. With gently sloping granite ledges combined with Caribbean like coves of sand , and with mini peninsulas with their own cove beaches that expose themselves at low tide, it is a beach lovers paradise. I very much enjoyed jumping in and out of the water even in June.... think of it as cryotherapy.. it energizes you for the rest of the day. Trust me , the owner’s pictures of the beaches are typical of the man...understated, and don’t do them full justice. But as a friend once told me , always leave room for positive surprises ..and you’ll get them here with the beaches. My dog Alpha loved Spruce as much as I did ...he lives in New York City cooped up in an apartment most of the time so he was in heaven. I can’t sign off without commenting on the island’s owner Colie Odonnell , a true gentleman whose energy, perseverance, and good taste in creating this wonderland makes it all possible. His attention to quality and detail is obvious inside the main house with its impressive granite fireplace, open chef’s kitchen, and cathedral ceilings. But also pay attention ,as you’re exploring the island, to all of Colie’s handiwork with trails, lighted paths, fire pits , granite stairs, composting shed, rain cisterns, solar panels, etc that made this island living possible. Colie goes above and beyond to make sure that his guests are maximizing their experience , with all kinds of activities (kayaking, BBQs/ picnic tables on both beaches, badminton, ping-pong and all sorts of rainy day games and adult toys like a choice of a large or a small motorized boat to use to explore the nearby islands, which we did on several days. The nearby Coombs islands are easy to get to and have Instagram worthy coves in the inlet between the two of them and are a must see, as is McGlathery Island, the one you are looking at from the house directly to the south. Bottom line.. a masterpiece ...and one of the best experiences I’ve ever had. Thanks, Colie!
Aufenthalt von 14 Nächten im Juni 2020

10/10 – Hervorragend

Katie B.

Gut: Sauberkeit
Paradise for a group
Imagine instead of buying a house you camped out on the site for two decades, understanding it, meditating on its best uses, figuring out how to enjoy it to the fullest. That's what Colie has done with Spruce Island. The main house and the "dorm" are beautifully constructed granite buildings with every detail thoughtfully considered and perfectly in keeping with how they are placed in their setting. Inside the houses have beautiful details-- I especially liked the ribbon tiebacks on the bedroom curtains and the wooden swing in the main house. We were a family group of three adult siblings and our partners and young-adult children. We didn't know how it would be for kids aged 17 to 27 to live on an island for a week. The answer was it was heavenly. The kids automatically reverted back to playing rather than screening-- at any given time there was a group on the badminton lawn, a pair at the ping pong table, a foursome at the boardgame spot, or some people doing watercolor paintings. We also did a lot of fun things in the ocean-- swimming around the island (in our wetsuits), kayaking, jumping off rocks, taking an ecotour with Old Quarry, boating into town for lobster rolls and ice cream, or over to Isle au Haut for a hike. Every evening we all sat around the campfire near the house and sang songs or talked or just looked up at the sky. We did not have perfect weather, and that really did not detract from our enjoyment. It's not the kind of beach house that is just there for shelter; it is a pleasure to be in it. We cooked a lot in the very well equipped kitchen, as well as grilling outside in the "summer kitchen". And all of this was done with a very small carbon footprint-- the island is solar-powered and uses cisterns of rainwater. Who knew that off-the-grid could be so comfortable. Thank you Colie for sharing your island with us!
Aufenthalt von 7 Nächten im August 2019

10/10 – Hervorragend

Joseph L.

Gut: Sauberkeit
Perfect Retreat
We were a group of friends. Some see each other frequently, some only every few years, some had never met. Most of us loved the isolation, a couple missed the shopping/nightlife. But we reinforced bonds that will last a lifetime. The first evening there was a group outside talking, shouting, laughing 'til I cried, Then there would be a lull and laughter would erupt from the inside. The entire week was that way. We ate like kings. Fresh grilled Mackerel caught at the landing, roost beef, prime rib, steaks, chops, fresh veggies from the island gardens. The outdoor kitchen was great for steaming lobsters. The really nice grill cooked everything else. The inside kitchen was every well equipped, right down to the KichenAid mixer. We wanted for nothing. Hiking trails, fishing rods and tackle box, kayaks, chairs and picnic areas at the beach with grills, and some things I never got around to using. This is a well equipped property, had everything we needed. Six couples each with their own bedroom and bath. I will be back.

10/10 – Hervorragend

Adam and Alyssa F.

Gut: Sauberkeit
Ideal family retreat
Take a step back to a simpler time when families would retreat to a cabin in the woods to beat the summer heat and recharge their internal batteries. Except that Spruce Island is no rustic camp. It has all the modern conveniences to house and feed a crowd in comfort. And after ten seasons of listening and responding to guest feedback, the host has got the property dialed in. Walking trails through the woods lead to the granite ledger shoreline. Hammocks strategically placed to catch the breeze dot the shoreline. There are two private beaches with chairs, picnic tables, and grills to take advantage of wind and sun. The support staff, who are all long term associates, are responsive, knowledgeable, and nice. Our visits to spruce island have become the highlight of our year.
Aufenthalt von 14 Nächten im Juli 2019

10/10 – Hervorragend

Michelle J., USA, New Jersey

Gut: Sauberkeit
The perfect getaway!
This was our first time at Spruce Island and I hope to come back again. We had a group of 12 people and dogs. The adults loved the R&R and the kids loved the beach, especially at low tide where you can explore the tidal pools. We saw lots of little snails and hermit crabs! At low tide some of the rocks were a bit slippery so make sure you pack good water shoes! For the more adventurous adults we would walk around the entire island (hiking shoes/sneakers are a must!). There were well marked trails around the island to help you navigate. The dogs also LOVED exploring the island. At the end of each day they were so tired from all the running around :D (if your dog has sensitive paws I would recommend bringing some booties). There were also plenty of kayaks to adventure out on. You can take the kayaks out and explore other islands in Merchant Row. We would pack lunch and have picnics and also take short hikes on the other islands as well. The house is very well maintained and you could feel the thoughtfulness and care Colie put into building the stone houses. Everything in the house was well labeled so you could easily find what you were looking for. Also, the views from the crows nests were absolutely gorgeous! The movie projector was a big hit for the kids (all ages) whether it was cartoons in the morning (during adult coffee time), rainy days or before bed time. There were also plenty of kid games (board games, ping pong, etc). The check-in and check-out process is very easy and well organized. Especially if you are bringing a lot of coolers and groceries. A few items to note for future renters - there are plenty of fresh herbs and lettuce on the island so no need to bring your own lettuce! Also, the house is supplied with a washer/dryer so really no need to pack a ton of clothes. All in all, the house is well equipped so just bring yourself, food, wine and a good book. I highly recommend this!
Aufenthalt von 7 Nächten im Juli 2019

10/10 – Hervorragend

Scott C.

Gut: Sauberkeit
Wonderful family vacation
This was our third year experiencing Spruce Island and each year was better than the last! Being familiar with the island and were able to explore even more of all of the area. Our group include three generations and everyone loved kayaking, hiking, hitting golf balls, badminton, cooking on the campfire and boating to Stonington. It was a wonderful chance to reconnect with nature and with each other. We highly recommend Colie's island.
Aufenthalt von 7 Nächten im Juni 2019

10/10 – Hervorragend

Dina O.

Gut: Sauberkeit
Southern Californians first family reunion in Maine! Fabulous!
We were a family of 18 (including 8 kids ages 6 months to 11 years), and we decided to pick this unique and incredible island in Maine for our first real family reunion. We could not have picked a more fabulous location. We have all traveled extensively so we know a good find. I'm writing this review for other people located on the west coast and think it might be too far. It isn't. But it does take some planning. We all flew into Boston (Bangor is probably the closest airport to the island where you could rent a car). Some of us stayed in Boston for a bit and some of us drove immediately north and stayed in NH. Our small group stopped in Danvers to shop: furthest North Costco that exists. Drive time Boston to Stonington is about 6 hours, but we needed most of the day with kids. Colie was fabulous in working with us for pick up. He has a parking lot where you park your car, he loads you into the amphibious vehicle with all your stuff and groceries and deposits you at the house on the island. It's very seamless. There is an amazing amount to do besides the beautiful beaches, which we used daily and are equipped with chairs, BBQs and picnic tables (we could've used a beach umbrella or two): you can hike fully around the island, badminton, ping pong, tons of balls, games, puzzles, corn hole, huge jenga and the highlight for our kids: an enormous swinging chair inside. The separation of the houses is a great. We ate lobster until we were sick of it. The kids learned about composting, water conservation, walking everywhere (there is a golf cart we used with the little ones), and everyone just got off screens and hung out. We loved the views from the island, watching the lobster boats and the fog and even a thunderstorm. We highly recommend you rent the dinghy as we needed to go back and forth a bit for various reasons. And we explored different islands with it. There are great places nearby to discover. Colie bravely took the group with kids on a morning island hopping trip where we saw bald eagles, porpoises, and seals. One of our crew even arranged a trip on a lobster boat for work purposes. On the tail end we spend a day and a half driving back to Boston and visited Camden and Salem (Witch House is worth the visit). We highly recommend this trip. The house had everything you needed. Just bring clothes and food and your kindle. Thank you Colie!

10/10 – Hervorragend

mike b.

There are not a sufficient number of stars available to properly rate this place.
My wife and I were alone on Spruce Island for four days. It casts a spell on you. A happy spell. In many years of travel, this is one of our most unique and pleasant destinations. The accommodations are beautiful, clean and cozy. Sunsets from the rooftop deck are like Maxfield Parrish illustrations. Colie is a great host, and this is an enchanting place.
Aufenthalt von 4 Nächten im August 2018

10/10 – Hervorragend

John F.

Spruce Island is AMAZING!! Wonderful family memories were made on this beautiful island
All I can say is, WOW! No expense was spared to make this your most memorable vacation! Collie and Jeff make sure that you have every accomodation necessary to relax and enjoy every minute you are on the island. We brought our own boats and expected to spend more time out exploring the water, but to be honest, we ended up spending most of our time exploring the island!! Hikes around the island, lobster dinners, card games, campfires, and so much more!! The kithen exceeded our expectations, the bedrooms all have their own bathrooms and are very comfortable! So many fun games from ping pong, to cornhole, to costumes, to scavenger hunts, and the list goes on and on! Our family would like to thank Collie and his family for sharing their amazing island with us!! We are planning to make it an annual tradition and cant wait to go back!!
Aufenthalt von 7 Nächten im August 2018

10/10 – Hervorragend

Kimberly G.

Most amazing vacation ever!
My family is from Wyoming and had never been to Maine before. We had a large family group, sixteen in total, five generations ranging in age from 97 to 2! Colie is an excellent host. The island is beautiful and you can tell he is very passionate about the care and management of the island. Lots of exploring in the woods and beaches. We were able to search tide pools and the kids found lots of amazing shells. We picked blueberries for fresh blueberry pancakes. This is definitely a destination to put on your list!
Aufenthalt von 7 Nächten im August 2018

10/10 – Hervorragend

Adam and Alyssa F.

7th summer renting this property and it just keeps getting better.
Aufenthalt von 14 Nächten im Juli 2018

10/10 – Hervorragend

Scott C.

An amazing 4th of July!
This was our second visit to Colie's island and what a treat it was! We had 3 generations that spanned from 66 to 2 years old and everyone enjoyed the entire experience. The island is beautiful. We all hiked, kayaked, collected shells and watched the parade of historical sailing ships. For those of us from Virginia the tides were incredible. There was a nine foot difference between low and high tide and the tide pools were fascinating. The children watched, caught, and released crabs, hermit crabs, shrimp and jelly fish. Though the water was cold the tide pools were warmed by the sun and everyone could enjoy splashing and wading to nearby rocks. Colie's house is terrific. It is well set to handle large groups. It is very comfortable and includes almost every activity you could think of. We played croquet, ping pong, horseshoes and corn hole. We enjoyed the hammocks, loved the fire pit (and introduced s'mores to the children!) and the grill. We plan to be back next year. These memories will last a long time! Scott and Sally Cook
Aufenthalt von 7 Nächten im Juni 2018

10/10 – Hervorragend

Ron W., Gastonia, NC

Amazing Experience
We had a group of 7 of us that stayed at the island for a total of two weeks. The goal of the trip was to create an experience that would last a life time. I feel that we most certainly accomplished our goal. The attention to detail was very thought out and helped make the trip what it was. The kids favorite things to do was to explore the island. I think our 6 year old had 10 or more secret hideouts. They also really enjoyed riding the 18ft boat that we rented into town for ice cream. I was also surprised how many nights we watched a movie so bring movies. There is a golf cart that was very helpful in getting my mom around the island. She can get around but too much walking for her is not good but with the golf cart she was able to enjoy the island as well. The water is cold at least in June and I am betting it stays cold year round. We did jump in a quarry on Green island. When you go to Green island take some bread to feed the fish. The other thing that I was surprised at was how long the days were which gave us more time to do things. I wish we had spent more time at Bar Harbor. We only planned a day there and it was not enough time to visit the area. Cadillac Mtn was amazing as was the Sea wall and lots of shops / restaurants at Bar Harbor. If we would have spent more time there we would have done some hiking in the state park. We took our two dogs with us on the vacation and it was a good idea. We used Old Quarry Ocean Adventures for a guided Kayak trip, a 3 hour Eco trip and a lobster boil. On the Kayaking this was a great time ask for Michael he was great and even has a book out on Kayaking. The Eco Tour was outstanding they gave a historic tour of the area as well as introduced us to Green island. Our favorite thing was Captain Bill came aboard at the end and they showed us how they fish for Lobsters. The kids were able to hold them and saw everything 1st hand. Finn was our Captain for the Eco tour as well as he did our Lobster Boil on the beach another amazing experience. My personal favorite was the time I spent with my wife, kids and mom and dad just not being rushed and in the moment. I have to also mention the bond fires which we did in different locations. My only regret was that I wanted to share this experience with more of our friends and family so we will be going back. Colie was amazing at answering questions and just helping in general to make sure that our trip was over the top.
Aufenthalt von 13 Nächten im Juni 2018