The good: Big house, lots of space, nice quiet neighbourhood.
The bad: very poorly stocked kitchen. 1 steak knife, 1 VERY crappy big knife, 1 tall glass for drinks, 1 dish towel, no dish cloths.
The ugly: Owner blatently lied to us. All along check in time was 3, contacted at 2:30 to see if we could get in. Were told cleaners were in there and we couldnt get in until 4. There were no cleaners there. Owner showed up at 3:04 with a car full of friends/family and did the "cleaning" from 3 - 4. We had planned ferries and flights around getting in at 3. They did let us put food in the fridge, but then we had to leave while they did whatever it was they did. Bathroom floors are DISGUSTING, shower walls also DISGUSTING. Huge gross hairs all over the floor and walls. House is a rental and it shows. Needs a GOOD cleaning and many upgrades.
The fun: See if you can the notes I left in the dust!