First of all let me say that the suite was very clean and Lucy was a very lovely and attentive host. That being said, I don’t know how the suite passed inspection to become a licensed rental unit and I was extremely shocked when I checked in. There was a very overpowering mold/mildew smell that permeated the entire suite. We opened the windows, bought scented candles, and Lucy supplied us with an air purifier in an attempt to alleviate the odour. Nothing we did helped in the least. I was informed that the house was built in the 1920’s so I suspect that the issue is in the cement foundation, which wouldn’t have been sealed, and in the wood framing of the building. That was the most concerning issue, from a health perspective. The other issue of notable concern was that the windows were all barred. I understand wanting to make the suite secure, but from a fire escape perspective, it definitely wasn’t ideal. The other issues were more superficial; there wasn’t a living room area (which is on me for not noting it’s absence in the description of the suite), the uneven flooring throughout the suite, the hard beds and just adequate bedding (lack of a top sheet!), and the “handyman” finishes throughout the suite. In addition, the advertised backyard sitting area was in disrepair and unusable. My sister and her husband, who has respiratory issues, couldn’t stand to spend any amount of time in the suite and had to find other lodgings. I was very disappointed.