The following location: 505 Silver Spring Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20910 is trash.
I booked in March of (2024), with a deposit, and last payment was taken in October (2024). I was advised I could check in the home on Thursday, November 14, 2024, any time after 3pm. I arrived at the home on the 14th after driving 12 hours at approximately 3:30 pm. I noticed that there was a Washington Gas note on the front door advising "Sorry we missed you." I went inside the home, and it was very cold, about 52 degrees inside, and quickly realize the gas was not on. I called the homeowner, who advised me that she would work to get the gas on and asked that I give her to 7pm. I agree and told her that not a minute after 7pm will I wait and if it was not on, I would leave and cancel the agreement. I left and me and my family went and got something to eat.
When I returned at approximately 7:10pm, I noticed a Washington gas truck parked in front of the house. The gas was not on and there was no hot water. The hot water heater was bad.