My family, made up of my 13 year old daughter, her friend, my other two young boys, and my wife were evicted from this facility at 7 o clock at night the last night of our stay! We are middle aged professionals and have never been close to experiencing anything like this our entire life.
The short story is minutes after arriving on Thursday afternoon my two young boys threw a peanut m&m off the 15th floor balcony where we were staying. Wirhin minutes security knocked on the door and I made clear it was two young boys playing around and that I already discussed with them how this wasn't appropriate. The management team at the facility also contacted the owner who called to ask me about the situation. Again, they literally threw one peanut m&m off the balcony. We stayed Friday night and Saturday night and had no issues. Sunday morning my wife is at the beach getting setup for the day and I am down in the gym working out. About ten o'clock in the morning a plastic water bottle supposedly came off my balcony ( I spoke to the ejitre staff and know one could identify anyone of my kids) and the property management team sends security back up to my room with Law Enforcement! They questioned my 13 year old daughter and then tell them we are evicted. When I get back up stairs daughter tells me what has happened and so I immediately go downstairs to speak with property management. They tell me I'm evicted and have to leave. I speak with the owner and they say they have to follow the management recommendation basically. Management then says I can pay a $500 fine before I leave the next day in order to stay. At this point I just want to have oneore day at the beach and leave in the morning so I agree. We go to the beach for the day and when I return the management te tracts me down and says I am evicted for good this time because I didn't pay the fine quickly enough. There was never any indication I had to pay by any time line. I spoke with the owner and they blamed it on the management team and the management team started blaming it on the owner etc. I felt like I was in a 3rd world country getting shuck down. Lots of little details in between with conversation with owner and management team , but I was kicked out around 7 o'clock Sunday night. I was charged for my Sunday night stay although we were evicted and had to fund a place with my family to stay that night because we were a long way from home.
Again, it was a weird, embarrassing experience!