The bathroom situation is disgusting. The two compostable toilet stalls (outhouses) were packed to the top with waste - almost so you were sitting on other peoples poo. Why don't they clean them out?
Also, the only available water for brushing your teeth is non-potable (meaning - you should not use for brushing your teeth) and the water was freezing cold.
In the common area where there is a toilet - quite a hike from the yurt - and used by ALL the residents had one towel for drying your hands and was not changed out for the two nights, three days we were there. The TP ran out and there were no spare rolls anywhere to be found. The common area (music room, bath and kitchen area) STUNK! No fresh air at all. The bed was decent but the sheets were some cheap polyester blend. They also want you to strip the bed and duvet but charge you $25 plus a $20 fee. I think the hosts change sites to dodge bad reviews like mine - no way, there are 11 positive reviews and only 11 since they've been in business for over 3 years. Go elsewhere is my recommendation.