The cottage is quite isolated, so it is perfect if you want to do on-line work while on holiday. It is also very good for. sleeping in. It is not so good if you want close-by walks and hikes: car-journeys down the track will be essential for that.
The property was a little cold for July, but the owner did kindly boost the heating upon request.
The shower and the kitchen are in good order.
Possible enhancements, which are not intended to be carping:
• It would have been nice to have had some wood, or coal, to light and heat the fire).
• A chair (or two) suitable for reading would have been an added bonus.
• A slightly bigger TV screen would be good for those of who watch sports or Netflix, and who are growing older!
• Better utility in the utility room, and a heating./airing facility for drying that actually works would be good.
• The suggested garbage disposal arrangements, which we followed, do involve a journey of some miles to the relevant Texaco, and charges--that should be made explicitly clear.