While I had a bit of trouble, eventually resolved, with the wifi, this proved to be a fantastic place. The cabin I stayed in, Seaglass, is one of three set less than 100 feet from Hwy 1. Pines and firs intervene, and the sound of passing cars is not bad. Mostly, this is 50 acres of coniferous woodland with a large meadow and at least five lovely ponds, several of which lure ducks and a great blue heron. The paths through the woods are glorious, lush with mushrooms, moss, and violets, with spectacular Bishop pines and Douglas firs overhead, as well as redwoods, eucalyptus (!), and allegedly dawn redwood and sequoias. There is nothing finer than standing on the edge of a two-acre meadow as the sun lights up treetops then the frosty grasses. This place will become even better as a campaign to remove Portuguese broom (Cytisus striatus) begins to make inroads in this aggressive invader.