If you live in the United States, or Europa and you travel with your family to Roatan, I do not recommend this area of the island, very unsafe, it is far from the mainland, and believe it, nobody is responsible for what happens to you
The owners of The property was good , always trying to solve the problems that we face in their property, we have nothing to say about it.
But since they live in the United States, they have no idea what is happening there
Obvious The owners of this property's normally they know that tourists are the ones who keep the business going.
We had some very unpleasant experiences and they were in contact with us at all times,
The housekeeper Gina and family are very nice. But nice does not fix the problems that exist in that property
If you are used to a glamorous life, believe it in this area of the island you will have an unpleasant experience,
we visit the super market in that region and God ... terrible, you have to travel by car 40 minutes to get healthy food, because you cannot buy anything in that local supermarket.
And not counting that you have to travel by boat to leave the house, since that is the only way
I have to say that are driver was Unwell and that complicated things for us.
we had to seek help elsewhere to get home, because of this unpleasant experience,
Basically My family and I will not going to Exposed to something like this anymore If we decide to go to Roatan again we would stay in A resort.