Well, when we pulled up the yard wasn't mowed (but it's early in the season) and I thought uh-ho. But, once inside it was very nice, just like the pictures. After unloading in the bedrooms we went to the kitchen to start our family meal and there was mice poop all over the silverware and towels drawers also on the pots and pans cabinet. So, we had wash every towel in the house to make sure it was clean. Load the dishwasher up with everything to be able eat off of. Clean all the counters where the mice might have roamed. Wasps, we killed at least 12-14 of them ALL on the inside of the house so, I think they have a big nest in the ceiling (?) So, to have to pay a cleaning fee really bothers me the most because it wasn't a good experience. For a group of fishermen they probably wouldn't care but, for a family of adults attending a wedding it wasn't good. The wedding was fantastic!