Overall this was a great spot. Extremely well-kept property that matches the descriptions nearly exactly. The outdoors was not just a welcomed escape during the day, due to the shade provided from the trees surrounding the area, but nice at night as well and very well lit as needed.
The key to me was that what is described is what is provided, and available to you during your stay. I saw some other reviews that made it seem like there could be a surprise or two in the future, but that could not be further from the truth. What is described in all the information provided before your stay is what you will have and what you will need to bring, which is MORE than fair. Plan accordingly and correctly and there should be no problems.
While there were many signs around the property, in the reviews and in the guest book of a possibly "cranky" neighbor, hiking around the property was easy to do and we had no issues. All 6 of the people that took the time to stay at this lovely property enjoyed the strolls we took, making sure to steer clear of the very clearly marked posted signs both those printed and those that may have been hand-written.
In the end I think it important to read the materials provided and follow them as they are clearly written and if followed correctly will lead to a great time. The property is worth the trip, WELL worth the money, and the peace and quiet is worth more than can be stated. A great place, with all the items you need to enjoy the outdoors